Stickman Tutorial (Experimental)


In this tutorial, we will go through the making of a nice animated stickman.  The stickman we will make should be able to do three differentes actions. 

  1. It should be able to stand still;
  2. It should be able to walk;
  3. It should be able to punch

This is yet another easy tutorial.  I assume you are already confortable with Sprite Kinematics Workbench  v1.0. If not, you might want to go through the Clock Tutorial first.

1. Preparations

1.1 Draft

Before we start Sprite Kinematics Workbench. It is always a good idea to prepare ourself so let's draw a little draft of our stick man.

1.2 Anchors

We want the stickman to walk an punch. This mean it must be able to move the legs and the arms. Here are the motion points that I think can be usefull.


1.3 Identifications

Let's give name so we can following this tutorial with easiness.


1.4 Drawing and Packing

Once again. I provide no informations for the drawing and the packaging of images.  They are already available in ./image/

2. Using Sprite Kinematics Workbench

2.1 Creating the first frame

Let’s create a new canvas.

    File -> new

Then let’s create an animation to work with.

    Kinematics -> add

In the Dialog, enter the name of the animation in the ID field and click the “add animation” button.

    For this tutorial we will use id = Standing


2.2 Creating the anchor tree

You should know by now how to add anchors to a frame. Here's a list of all the informations you need to create the stickman. (If you don't want to enter all this anchors, you can simply open ./save/stickman.2.2.skw)

Id Parent Image Type
Stickman --- --- new root
Left leg Stickman Long stick new leaf
Left lower leg Left leg Long stick new leaf
Left foot Left lower leg Short stick new leaf
Right leg Stickman Long stick new leaf
Right lower leg Right leg Long stick new leaf
Right foot Right lower leg Short stick new leaf
Waist Stickman Average stick new leaf
Chest Waist Average stick new leaf
Neck Chest Short stick new leaf
Head Neck Disc new leaf
Left arm Chest Long stick new leaf
Left lower arm Left arm Long stick new leaf
Left hand Left lower arm Short stick new leaf
Right arm Chest Long stick new leaf
Right lower arm Right arm Long stick new leaf
Right hand Right hand Short stick new leaf

2.3 Prepare all the animations

We want to make three differents states of animation. The first one is "Standing" the second one is "Walking" and the third one is "Punching".  An easy way to keep consistant the transition between two states, we can simply clone the "standing" animation and begin all other animation with it.

Let's create the Standing animation.  We are already in the right animation and in the right frame. All we have to do is transform the anchors.  Here is a list of transformation you must apply to all anchors.

Id Rotation
Waist 180
Left leg 330
Left foot 270
Right leg 30
Right foot 270
Left arm 30
Left lower arm 300
Left hand 120
Right arm 330
Right lower arm 210
Right hand 30


Now that we have ours stickman in his standing position, let's create two more animation

    Kinematics -> Add

Id Type
Walking new animation
Punching new animation

2.4 Animation: Walking

We are getting close to something interesting here.  Now our stickman is finally ready to be part of an animation.  Let's begin the walking animation Make sure you are editing the Walking animation. 

Here is a list of transformation you can enter to get the animation of a walking man.  You might wan to try your own transformation.  The basic idea is to transform the current frame, then clone it and transform the new frame, then clone it once again, and keep going until you have the full motion.

Frame Id Rotation
0 Stickman 15
  Left leg 300
  Lower left leg 30
  Left foot 270
  Right leg 15
  Right lower leg 15
  Right foot 270
  Neck 180

Clone the frame


1 Left leg 330
  Lower left leg 0
  Left foot 270
  Right leg 30
  Right lower leg 60
  Right foot 315

Clone the frame


2 Left leg 345
  Lower left leg 15
  Left foot 270
  Right leg 0
  Right lower leg 90
  Right foot 0

Clone the frame


3 Left leg 15
  Lower left leg 15
  Left foot 270
  Right leg 300
  Right lower leg 30
  Right foot 300

Clone the frame


4 Left leg 30
  Lower left leg 90
Left foot 0
  Right leg 345
  Right lower leg 15
  Right foot 270

Clone the frame


5 Left leg 0
  Lower left leg 105
  Left foot 15
  Right leg 0
  Right lower leg 30
  Right foot 270

Clone the frame


6 Left leg 330
  Lower left leg 75
  Left foot 345
  Right leg 15
  Right lower leg 45
  Right foot 270

Clone the frame


7 Left leg 300
  Lower left leg 45
  Left foot 315
  Right leg 30
  Right lower leg 30
  Right foot 285

2.5 Animation: Punching

Make sure you are editing the Punching animation.  Then try to make a nice punching move. It's all up to you now ;)

2.6 The end

Now that your stickman is acting just like you want. It's time to export your work to png.

    File -> Save As png